The National Advice Network was created to give everyday Australians access to quality financial advice from our network of qualified advisers.
We make it easy for everyday Australians to connect with a licenced Financial Planner and provide verified profiles so you can be confident you are dealing with an adviser that has the skills and experience to help you achieve your goals.
Are you on track for the future you want?
Whether you want more time, more money or less stress…we can help.
The financial industry often makes managing your money feel incredibly complex, but in reality, once you get past the jargon, it’s relatively simple. Our team helps Australians enjoy a better life by ensuring that they obtain quality financial advice.
With the help of the National Advice Network, in just 3 steps you can take control of your finances, eliminate stress and implement a financial plan.
Step 1 - What do you want to achieve?
We start by finding out what’s really important to you. Once we know what you want, we refer you to a licensed Financial Adviser who can help with your individual situation. We only work with licensed advisory firms that operate under an Australian Financial Services Licence.
Step 2 - Get to know your adviser
Before your adviser develops your plan they will get to know you and take time to understand what you want out of the process. This is a free consultation where they explain the next steps and make sure you are comfortable before they proceed.
Step 3 - Achieve Your Goals
We connect Australians with hard-working and straight-forward advisers. Your adviser will not only show you a step-by-step plan to help you get ahead, they will help you stay there with the best ongoing support.
Why get advice?
Financial issues remain the leading cause of stress amongst Australians with more than half of Australians reporting it as a source of stress (Source: Australian Psychological Society – Stress and Wellbeing Survey).
Studies have shown that receiving financial advice leads to better health, happier relationships and an increased sense of well-being. Too many Australians stress about money or miss out on opportunities to make money because we’re too busy.
A quality Financial Adviser can show you how to create, build and protect your wealth… leaving you more time to do the things you enjoy.
Advice For Life
How you manage your money affects you, your health and your relationships. In March 2016, the Beddoes Foundation – a not-for-profit organisation – launched the Getting Sorted study which linked financial literacy and money management skills with the health and wellbeing of Australians.
Working with Dr Rebecca Sheils, a psychologist, the Beddoes Foundation developed the Getting Sorted study following a review of scientific publications on thinking dispositions, heuristics, problem-solving, and behavioural economics. It is the largest financial literacy study ever conducted in Australia and the first study to adopt a ‘whole of person’ approach, going beyond education and knowledge to link financial thinking styles, attitudes and behaviour with the overall health and wellbeing of consumers.
In a surprise finding, the study revealed that financial thinking styles not only impact people’s financial decision-making and behaviour but also profoundly affect their emotional, psychological and physical health. It was noted that unhealthy financial thinking styles have detrimental emotional, social, vocational, psychological, and physical health impacts on individuals.
The study showed that thinking about finances negatively affects one in five relationships in Australia – and it doesn’t stop there. People whose relationships were adversely affected by thinking about money also had reduced emotional wellbeing, lowered satisfaction with life and worse physical health.
A smart financial plan can not only lead to greater wealth, it also leads to better health and happier relationships. The National Advice Network is committed to providing Australians with the support they need to implement their own financial plan. We support you through the process from the first meeting with your adviser, right through to the presentation of the advice. You can ask for help or call us if you need anything explained.
To make sure the advisers we work with are making a real difference, we regularly source feedback from new clients to ensure we only work with quality advisers.